Backup and Restore

Backup and Restore of ClusterWare

The scyld-install script can also be used to back up and restore all cluster-specific data, including the cluster configuration, images, and node details. To back up the cluster:

scyld-install --save /path/to/

By default the produced ZIP archive can be quite large, as it will contain all boot files and root file system images. If these files are archived by other means, e.g. as part of a backup solution for cluster-wide shared storage, then system administrators may want to include the --without-files option. The resulting ZIP file will contain only the ClusterWare database. Please be aware that this option should only be used if those files are separately archived or when providing a copy of your Scyld ClusterWare database to Penguin Computing technical support.

A previously produced archive can also be loaded by the scyld-install script:

scyld-install --load /path/to/


Loading a ZIP backup will erase all data and all images and replace them with the corresponding contents from the archive.

During save and load, the scyld-install script is actually using the managedb tool that provides additional options and capabilities. For details please see managedb in the Reference Guide.

Backup and Restore of the Database

Cluster administrators may wish to capture the database state in the event that a database restore operation is desired in the future. This can be done by manually executing the /opt/scyld/clusterware/bin/take-snapshot tool, or more preferably by setting up a cronjob to periodically execute that tool.

For details please see take-snapshot in the Reference Guide.