#!/bin/bash # # File: install.sh # # Copyright 2018-2024 Penguin Computing Inc. All Rights Reserved. # DIR="$( cd "$( dirname $( realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" ) )" && pwd )" DB_RPM="${DB_RPM:-clusterware-etcd}" INFLUXDB2="clusterware-telegraf influxdb2 influxdb2-cli grafana grafana-pcp" INSTALL_RPMS="${DB_RPM} clusterware-docs clusterware-dnsmasq clusterware-grafana clusterware-chrony clusterware-ipxe ${INFLUXDB2} scyld-nss" # Old TICK packages that need to be erased when updating to CW12 TICK_OLD="influxdb chronograf kapacitor" MAX_USER_LOGS=10 CWLOGS="${HOME}/.scyldcw/logs" DNFDIR_CWREPO="/etc/yum.repos.d/clusterware.repo" RESTORE_CWREPO= MISMATCH_ERR="99" # must be a unique cleanup() arg value DEFAULT_NO="no" # default answer for ask_continue BASE_INI="/opt/scyld/clusterware/conf/base.ini" MANAGEDB="/opt/scyld/clusterware/bin/managedb" USER="$(whoami)" # define the sets of yum / dnf args for different cases dnf_args="--assumeyes" dnf_with_scyld="${dnf_args} --enablerepo=scyld\*" dnf_only_scyld="${dnf_args} --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=scyld\*" # Remove any crufty old lingering temp files. rm -f /tmp/scyld-base.ini* # The following line is parsed by src/cw_backend/views/cluster.py pack_files="clusterware.repo.remote.template clusterware.repo.local.template" spin[0]="-" spin[1]="\\" spin[2]="|" spin[3]="/" display_spinner() { local PID=$1 local MSG=$2 log "${MSG}..." echo -n "${MSG}... ${spin[0]}" while kill -0 ${PID} 2>/dev/null; do for i in "${spin[@]}" do echo -ne "\b$i" sleep 0.1 done done wait ${PID} RES=$? if [ "${RES}" == "0" ]; then msg_success "\bdone." else msg_error "\bFAILED." fi return $RES } prepare_colors() { RED= YELLOW= GREEN= BLUE= NC= STATUS= if [ -t 1 ]; then RED='\033[0;31m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' BLUE='\033[0;34m' NC='\033[0m' # printf "${RED}Terminal ${YELLOW}output ${GREEN}coloring ${BLUE}enabled.${NC}\n" fi } prepare_colors log() { local MSG="$@" if [ -n "${LOG_FILE}" ]; then echo -e "$MSG" >> "${LOG_FILE}" fi } __msg() { local COLOR="${!1}" local MSG="$2" log "${MSG}" echo -e "${COLOR}${MSG}${NC}" } msg_error() { __msg RED "$@" } msg_warn() { __msg YELLOW "$@" } msg_info() { __msg BLUE "$@" } msg_success() { __msg GREEN "$@" } msg_status() { __msg STATUS "$@" } ctrl_c() { echo stty sane cleanup 1 "Exiting on ctrl-c" } trap ctrl_c INT print_help() { local EXITVAL="$1" if [ "$2" != "" ]; then msg_error "$2" echo fi echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION]..." echo "" echo "Tool for installing ClusterWare head nodes, joining them to existing" echo "clusters, or saving and loading database backups." echo "" echo "optional arguments:" echo " -h, --help Print this help message." echo " --config Specify a cluster configuration file to load." echo " --token Specify a cluster serial number or other authentication" echo " token to use in the dnf repository file." echo " --dnf-repo Provide a complete dnf repository file." echo " --yum-repo Alias for --dnf-repo." echo "" echo "database load/save options:" echo " -l, --load FILE Load the ClusterWare database." echo " -s, --save FILE Save the ClusterWare database and exit." echo " --without-files Do NOT include the contents of images and boot files" echo " when loading or saving." echo "" echo "advanced options:" echo " --non-interactive Execute installer in non-interactive mode that supplies" echo " default answers to otherwise interactive questions." echo " --iso Provide a URL or local path to the Clusterware ISO the" echo " system should use to install or upgrade." echo " --os-iso Provide a URL or local path to the ISO the system should" echo " use to create DefaultImage and DefaultBoot." echo " --clear DEPRECATED. Use --clear-all." echo " --clear-all Remove clusterware* packages except clusterware-installer," echo " and clear the ClusterWare database, which removes all" echo " images and configurations." echo " This allows for a subsequent fresh install." echo " --no-tools Do not install the ClusterWare tools on the server." echo " --join EXISTING_HEAD Join this head node to an existing head node cluster." echo " --skip-version-check Use this installer without checking for a newer" echo " version online." echo " --database-passwd Specify the root password for the database." echo " --reconfigure During an update most steps that alter the head node OS" echo " will be skipped, but this option will execute those." echo " -u, --update If ClusterWare is already installed, then skip asking user" echo " for confirmation that a software update is requested." cleanup "${EXITVAL}" } ask_continue() { local EXITVAL=$1 local ANSWER=$2 local QUESTION=$3 if [ -n "${NON_INTERACTIVE}" ]; then if [ -n "${ANSWER}" -a "${ANSWER}" == "no" ]; then msg_info "Presume default intention is to quit." cleanup "${EXITVAL}" else if [ -z "${ANSWER}" ]; then msg_info "Presume default intention is to continue." fi true; return fi else if [ -z "${QUESTION}" ]; then QUESTION="Press c to continue, any other key to quit: " fi read -r -n 1 -s -p "${QUESTION}" continue echo if [ "$continue" == "c" ]; then true; return else if [ -z "${EXITVAL}" ]; then cleanup 1 "Quitting" else if [ ${EXITVAL} -ge 0 ]; then cleanup "${EXITVAL}" "Quitting" fi false; return # else EXITVAL < 0 means silently continue fi fi fi } dnf_clean_all_if_needed() { local args="$1" if [ -z "${args}" ]; then args="${dnf_with_scyld}" fi # If ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} doesn't exist yet do 'clean all' just in case if [ ! -e "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" ]; then run_with_sudo "dnf ${args} clean all &>/dev/null" # If the clusterware.repo file has changed since the last 'dnf # clean all' then do another "clean all" across all repos (unless # different args are passed). elif ! diff "${LAST_DNF_CLEAN_REPO}" "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" &>/dev/null; then run_with_sudo "dnf ${args} clean all &>/dev/null" cp "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" "${LAST_DNF_CLEAN_REPO}" &>/dev/null fi } cleanup() { local EXITVAL=$1 if [ -z "${EXITVAL}" ]; then EXITVAL=0 fi local MSG=$2 log "Cleaning up: $(date)" if [ "${EXITVAL}" == "${MISMATCH_ERR}" -a -n "${RESTORE_CWREPO}" ]; then # Caller used --dnf-repo which might be bad - restore original file. if [ -s "${RESTORE_CWREPO}" ]; then # Backup file is non-empty: copy contents into ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}. run_with_sudo "cp -a ${RESTORE_CWREPO} ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" else # Backup file is empty: delete ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}. run_with_sudo "rm -f ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" fi fi dnf_clean_all_if_needed rm -f "${LAST_DNF_CLEAN_REPO}" run_with_sudo "rm -f ${RESTORE_CWREPO}" # disable the repos if grep --silent '^\s*enabled\s*=\s*1\s*$' ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} 2>/dev/null; then run_with_sudo "sed --in-place 's/^\s*enabled\s*=\s*[01].*$/enabled=0/' ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" fi # remove the temporary folder if [ -n "${TMPDIR}" ]; then log "Deleting temporary folder: ${TMPDIR}" rm -rf ${TMPDIR} fi if [ -n "${TMP_ISO}" -a -d "${TMP_ISO}" ]; then if [ -d "${TMP_ISO}"/mount ]; then # umount the ISO if we mounted it, but do it in background because # we're likely executing the 'scyld-install' in that directory. log "Umounting and deleting temporary iso" run_with_sudo LIVE bash -c "sleep 1; umount -l ${TMP_ISO}/mount; sleep 1; rm -rf ${TMP_ISO}" & else # No mountpoint exists, so no need to umount. Just delete TMP_ISO dir. log "Deleting temporary iso directory" run_with_sudo "rm -fr ${TMP_ISO}" fi fi # print the message and exit if [ -n "${MSG}" ]; then if [ "${EXITVAL}" == "0" ]; then msg_success "${MSG}" else msg_error "${MSG}" fi fi exit "${EXITVAL}" } check_file() { local VAR=$1 local FILE=$2 local PARAMNAME=$3 local MISSINGOK=$4 if [ -n "${!VAR}" ]; then if [ -z "${!FILE}" ]; then print_help 1 "A file name must follow ${PARAMNAME}" elif [ -z "${MISSINGOK}" -a ! -e "${!FILE}" ]; then print_help 2 "The file '${!FILE}' does not exist." fi fi } using_mounted_ISO() { # are we running from a mounted ISO? path=${DIR} read -r DEV MOUNT < <(df "${path}" | tail -n+2 | awk '{ print $1 " " $NF }') mount | grep "${path} type iso9660" &> /dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then true else false fi return } find_pkg_detail() { local pkg="$1" if [ -z "${pkg}" ]; then pkg=clusterware fi local list_type="$2" if [ -z "${list_type}" ]; then if rpm -q "${pkg}" &>/dev/null; then list_type="updates" else list_type="available" fi fi dnf_clean_all_if_needed "${dnf_only_scyld}" run_with_sudo "dnf ${dnf_only_scyld} list ${list_type} '${pkg}' 2>&1" # return "pkg arch ver list" quadruplet local retval=$(echo "${SUDO_OUTPUT}" | awk "/^${pkg}/ { print \$1 \" \" \$2 }" | head -n1 | sed 's/\./ /') if [ -n "${retval}" ]; then retval="${retval} ${list_type}" fi echo ${retval} } check_clusterware_major_for_cw12() { local pkg arch ver list read -r pkg arch ver list < <(find_pkg_detail) # If no pending install or update is found, check what is currently installed. if [ -z "${ver}" ]; then read -r pkg arch ver list < <(find_pkg_detail clusterware installed) fi # if the pending install / update or the current installed are not 12 then bail if [ -n "${ver}" ] && [[ ! "${ver}" =~ ^"12" ]]; then msg_error "\nThis ClusterWare 12 scyld-install only supports installing ClusterWare 12," msg_error "updating to ClusterWare 12, or joining a ClusterWare 12 cluster." msg_error "Please retry with a ClusterWare 11 scyld-install." cleanup 1 fi } check_iso_version() { local src="$1" local iso_rpm=$(ls "${DIR}"/ScyldPackages/clusterware-[1-9]*\.scyld\.* 2>/dev/null) if [ -z "${iso_rpm}" ]; then msg_error "${src} does not contain the clusterware RPM" cleanup 1 fi local rpm_ver_arch=$(echo ${iso_rpm} | sed 's/^.*ScyldPackages.clusterware-//' | sed 's/.rpm//') if [ -n "${rpm_ver_arch}" ]; then check_clusterware_version_against_base "${rpm_ver_arch}" fi } CHECKED_OS_COMPATIBLE= check_clusterware_version_against_base() { local pkg_ver_arch=$1 # optional # Quietly leave if this has already checked the arch and OS version match if [ -z "${CHECKED_OS_COMPATIBLE}" ]; then # separate the package OS major version and arch local ver arch if [ -n "${pkg_ver_arch}" ]; then read -r ver arch < <(echo "${pkg_ver_arch}" | sed 's/\(.*\)\./\1 /') else local pkg list read -r pkg arch ver list < <(find_pkg_detail) fi # combine the OS major version and arch into a single string if [ -n "${ver}" ]; then # trim the major number out of the package version and make a major.arch strings local pkg_major_arch="$(echo "${ver}" | sed 's/^.*\.el//' | sed 's/\..*$//').${arch}" local os_major_arch="${os_release_major}.$(uname --machine)" # compare the package to the OS if [ "${os_major_arch}" != "${pkg_major_arch}" ]; then msg_warn "Installer (el${pkg_major_arch}) does not match local distro (el${os_major_arch})" ask_continue "${MISMATCH_ERR}" "${DEFAULT_NO}" fi CHECKED_OS_COMPATIBLE=yes fi fi } num_joined_head_nodes() { # Is this node already joined to a multi-head cluster? local num_heads if $(which "${MANAGEDB}" &>/dev/null); then local err=$(mktemp -t stderr.XXXXXXXX) num_heads=$(sudo "${MANAGEDB}" --heads 2>${err} | wc -l) # That counts the header line in the output, so subtract that. num_heads=$(( ${num_heads} - 1)) if $(grep -q grpc ${err}); then log "'managedb --heads' detects grpc error, so presume head node has been ejected:" cat ${err} >> "${LOG_FILE}" log "Ignore error and continue." num_heads=1 fi rm -f ${err} else num_heads=1 fi echo ${num_heads} } check_jointo_cred_database() { local db_this_head local ret if [ -z "${DB_PASSWD}" ]; then log "Requesting the database password from the user." echo -n "Database password for ${JOIN_CLUSTER}: " read -s DB_PASSWD echo fi if rpm -q clusterware-etcd &>/dev/null; then db_this_head=etcd elif rpm -q clusterware-couchbase &>/dev/null; then db_this_head=couchbase fi # Ask join-to head node to validate db password and return db type. ret=$(head_tls -s --data "{\"admin_pass\": \"${DB_PASSWD}\"}" \ --db_pass "${DB_PASSWD}" \ --url "${JOIN_CLUSTER}/api/v1/install/password") PASSWD_OK= if $(echo "${ret}" | grep -q "\"success\": true"); then log "Database password for ${JOIN_CLUSTER} is correct." if $(echo "${ret}" | grep -q "\"database\"":); then DB_JOIN_TO=$(echo "${ret}" | sed 's/^.*"database": "//' | sed 's/".*}//') DB_JOIN_TO=$(echo ${DB_JOIN_TO,,}) fi if [ -n "${db_this_head}" ]; then if [ "${DB_JOIN_TO}" == "${db_this_head}" ]; then log "Database type '${DB_JOIN_TO}' for ${JOIN_CLUSTER} matches this head node." else msg_error "Database type '${DB_JOIN_TO}' for ${JOIN_CLUSTER} mismatches '${db_this_head}' on this node, so cannot join it." cleanup 1 fi fi PASSWD_OK=yes elif $(echo "${ret}" | grep -q "\"success\": false.*password is incorrect"); then msg_error "Database password for ${JOIN_CLUSTER} is incorrect, so cannot join it." cleanup 1 fi # We no longer support Couchbase post-CW11, so such references to Couchbase # should eventually go away. Let's retain this through the first half of 2023. if [ -z "${PASSWD_OK}" -a "${db_this_head}" == "couchbase" ]; then # We didn't get an explicit verification from the join-to node and we # use Couchbase. Perhaps the join-to node is an older node that # understands an older question that authenticates the password? ret=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" -u "root:${DB_PASSWD}" ${JOIN_CLUSTER}:8091/settings/stats) if [ "$ret" == "200" ]; then msg_error "Couchbase cluster at $JOIN_CLUSTER authenticates the database password." PASSWD_OK=yes elif [ "$ret" == "401" ]; then msg_error "Couchbase cluster at $JOIN_CLUSTER rejects authentication of database password." fi fi if [ -z "${PASSWD_OK}" ]; then msg_error "Unable to authenticate ${JOIN_CLUSTER} password and database type." ask_continue 1 "${DEFAULT_NO}" fi # Now if ${PASSWD_OK} then we have the correct ${DB_PASSWD} password, # and if ${DB_JOIN_TO} we have the join-to head node's database type. } report_cw_rpmnew_rpmsave() { local files local rpmnew local rpmsave local newer local saved local existing local f # Deal with a special case of cw11 updating to cw12 and leaving a radically # different /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf.rpmnew. if [ -n "${UPDATE_CW11_TO_CW12}" ]; then if [ -e /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf.rpmnew ]; then # Rename the old file to telegraf.conf.rpmsave and rename the # new file to telegraf.conf. The different files will still # be reported, below, but telegraf.conf will be the cw12 default. run_with_sudo "mv -f /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf.rpmsave" run_with_sudo "mv /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf.rpmnew /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf" fi fi # Collect the config file names into a local file for non-sudo access files=$(mktemp -t config_files.XXXXXXXX) run_with_sudo "cat /opt/scyld/clusterware/conf/config.files >${files}" # Search for *.rpmnew and *.rpmsave files rpmnew=$(mktemp -t rpmnew.XXXXXXXX) rpmsave=$(mktemp -t rpmsave.XXXXXXXX) for f in $(cat ${files}); do run_with_sudo "find ${f}.rpmnew 2>/dev/null >>${rpmnew}" run_with_sudo "find ${f}.rpmsave 2>/dev/null >>${rpmsave}" done # Any 'rpmnew' files? for newer in $(sort ${rpmnew} | uniq); do existing=$(echo ${newer} | sed -e 's/.rpmnew$//') if $(run_with_sudo diff -s ${existing} ${newer} &>/dev/null); then msg_info "Newer ${newer}" msg_info " and ${existing} are the same, so deleting .rpmnew" run_with_sudo rm -f ${newer} else msg_warn "Newer ${newer} may need merging" msg_warn " into ${existing}" fi done # Any 'rpmsave' files? for saved in $(sort ${rpmsave} | uniq); do existing=$(echo ${saved} | sed -e 's/.rpmsave$//') if $(run_with_sudo diff -s ${existing} ${saved} &>/dev/null); then msg_info "Saved ${saved}" msg_info " and ${existing} are the same, so deleting .rpmsave" run_with_sudo rm -f ${saved} else msg_warn "Saved ${saved} may need merging" msg_warn " into ${existing}" fi done rm -f ${files} ${rpmnew} ${rpmsave} } generate_excludes() { local only="$1" run_with_sudo LIVE bash -c "dnf ${dnf_only_scyld} clean metadata >/dev/null" while read -r pkg; do match=$(echo "${pkg}" | grep "${only}") if [ -n "${match}" ]; then found=yes else if [ -n "${args}" ]; then args="${args} " fi args="${args} --exclude $(echo "${pkg}" | sed 's/ware-/ware*-/' | sed 's/-[^-]*$/-*/')" fi done < <(run_with_sudo LIVE bash -c "dnf ${dnf_only_scyld} list clusterware --showduplicates" | \ awk "/^clusterware/ { print \"clusterware-\" \$2 \".$(uname --machine)\" }") echo "${args}" } excludes= install_latest_package() { # see if we should exclude some packages if [ -n "${matchver}" -a -z "${excludes}" ]; then excludes=$(generate_excludes "${matchver}") fi check_clusterware_version_against_base # Check if package is already installed local NAME="$1" RPMVER=$(rpm -q "${NAME}" 2>/dev/null) if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then # Already installed so try to update. RPMVER=$(echo "${RPMVER}" | sed 's/\.scyld\..*//') run_with_sudo SPINNER "Updating ${RPMVER}" \ "dnf ${dnf_args} update ${excludes} ${NAME} > >(tee --append '${LOG_FILE}') 2>&1" RPMNEWVER=$(rpm -q "${NAME}" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\.scyld\..*//') if [ "${RPMVER}" == "${RPMNEWVER}" ]; then if $(tail -8 "${LOG_FILE}" | grep -q "HTTPS.*401.*Unauthorized"); then msg_error " Failed to update ${NAME} package: Unauthorized access to repo." msg_error " Please confirm your credentials in the clusterware.repo file." false; return fi msg_status " no newer version found" else msg_status " updated to ${RPMNEWVER}" fi true; return fi # Package wasn't installed so try to install. run_with_sudo SPINNER "Installing ${NAME}" \ "dnf ${dnf_args} install ${excludes} ${NAME} > >(tee --append '${LOG_FILE}') 2>&1" RPMVER=$(rpm -q "${NAME}" 2>/dev/null) if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then msg_status " installed $(echo "${RPMVER}" | sed 's/\.scyld\..*//')" true; return fi # Could not install. if $(tail -8 "${LOG_FILE}" | grep -q "HTTPS.*401.*Unauthorized"); then msg_error " Unauthorized access to repo.\n Please confirm your credentials in the clusterware.repo file." else msg_error " failed installing ${NAME}" fi false; return } enable_start_service() { local service="$1" local action="$2" if [ -z "${action}" ]; then action=start fi msg_status "Enabling and ${action}ing service ${service}" if [ "$(systemctl is-enabled "${service}" 2>/dev/null)" != "enabled" ]; then run_with_sudo "systemctl enable ${service} > >(tee --append ${LOG_FILE}) 2>&1" fi if [ "$(systemctl is-active "${service}" 2>/dev/null)" != "active" ]; then if [ "${action}" != "start" ]; then msg_status "Starting instead of ${action}ing service ${service}" fi run_with_sudo "systemctl start ${service} > >(tee --append ${LOG_FILE}) 2>&1" elif [ -n "${action}" ]; then if [ "${action}" == "start" ]; then msg_status "Service ${service} is already active." else run_with_sudo "systemctl ${action} ${service} > >(tee --append ${LOG_FILE}) 2>&1" fi fi } stop_disable_service() { local service="$1" local action="$2" msg_status "Stopping and disabling service ${service}" if systemctl is-active "${service}" &>/dev/null; then run_with_sudo "systemctl stop ${service} > >(tee --append ${LOG_FILE}) 2>&1" fi if systemctl is-enabled "${service}" &>/dev/null; then run_with_sudo "systemctl disable ${service} > >(tee --append ${LOG_FILE}) 2>&1" elif [ -n "${action}" ]; then run_with_sudo "systemctl ${action} ${service} > >(tee --append ${LOG_FILE}) 2>&1" fi } open_port_or_service() { local NAME=$1 echo ${NAME} | grep '^[0-9]*/' 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then msg_status "Opening firewall port ${NAME}" run_with_sudo "firewall-cmd --add-port ${NAME} > >(tee --append ${LOG_FILE}) 2>&1" || \ cleanup 1 " opening firewall to ${NAME} failed: $?" run_with_sudo "firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port ${NAME} > >(tee --append ${LOG_FILE}) 2>&1" || \ cleanup 1 " opening firewall to ${NAME} with --permanent failed: $?" else msg_status "Opening firewall for service ${NAME}" run_with_sudo "firewall-cmd --add-service ${NAME} > >(tee --append ${LOG_FILE}) 2>&1" || \ cleanup 1 " opening firewall for ${NAME} failed: $?" run_with_sudo "firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service ${NAME} > >(tee --append ${LOG_FILE}) 2>&1" || \ cleanup 1 " opening firewall for ${NAME} with --permanent failed: $?" fi } open_firewall_for_tftp() { ARG=$1 run_with_sudo "firewall-cmd ${ARG} --add-service tftp > >(tee --append ${LOG_FILE}) 2>&1" RES=$? if [ "${RES}" != "0" ]; then # ignore the module loading error if it crops up inside docker if [ -e "/.dockerenv" ]; then msg_warn " opening firewall for tftp failed (${RES}), but this is expected in a container." else cleanup 1 " opening firewall for tftp failed: ${RES}" fi fi } proxy_vars_seen= __run_sudo() { local proxy_vars if [ -n "${http_proxy}${https_proxy}${no_proxy}" ]; then if [ -z "${proxy_vars_seen}" ]; then msg_warn "One or more proxy variables are set.\n If installation fails, please inspect your proxy settings." proxy_vars_seen=yes fi proxy_vars="export http_proxy=${http_proxy}; export https_proxy=${https_proxy}; export no_proxy=${no_proxy};" fi # force the use of the bash builtin echo to avoid SUDO_PASS hitting # a command line and showing up in /proc SUDO_OUTPUT=$(eval "PATH= command echo '${SUDO_PASS}' | sudo --prompt= --stdin bash -c '${proxy_vars} $@'") } __run_sudo_live() { # force the use of the bash builtin echo to avoid SUDO_PASS hitting # a command line and showing up in /proc PATH= command echo "${SUDO_PASS}" | sudo --prompt= --stdin "$@" } run_with_sudo() { local SPINMSG= if [ "$1" == "SPINNER" ]; then shift SPINMSG=$1 shift fi local LIVE= if [ "$1" == "LIVE" ]; then shift LIVE=yes fi if [ -z "${ASKED_PASS}" -a "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then # check if sudo is asking for a password first=yes while true; do if sudo --non-interactive true 2>/dev/null; then break elif [ -n "${first}" ]; then echo "This script uses sudo to configure the system. Please provide the" first= fi log "Requesting user's sudo password." echo -n "[sudo] password for ${USER}: " read -s SUDO_PASS echo ASKED_PASS=yes __run_sudo true done fi log "Running: $@" if [ -n "${SPINMSG}" ]; then #echo "====$@====" __run_sudo "$@" & CPID=$! display_spinner ${CPID} "${SPINMSG}" else if [ -n "${LIVE}" ]; then __run_sudo_live "$@" else __run_sudo "$@" fi fi return $? } # This function will find INFLUXDB2 and scyld-nss packages so we can upgrade # clusterware\*, INFLUXDB2, and scyld-nss but not mess with middleware or # schedulers or the like. We also need to do this for --clear-all. scyld_influxdb_nss() { local INFLUXDB_NSS local RPM_Q for pkg in ${INFLUXDB2} scyld-nss do RPM_Q=$(rpm -q ${pkg}) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # ${pkg} is installed... if $(echo "${RPM_Q}" | grep -q scyld); then # and ${pkg} is a "scyld" package. INFLUXDB_NSS="${pkg} ${INFLUXDB_NSS}" fi fi done echo "${INFLUXDB_NSS}" } clear_all() { local SCYLDCW_DIR=$(realpath ~/.scyldcw) local ROOT_SCYLDCW_DIR="/root/.scyldcw" local next_line local extra_text msg_warn "\nThis operation will remove all ClusterWare (except clusterware-installer)" msg_warn "and Scyld status monitoring packages (e.g., influxdb, telegraf)," if rpm -q couchbase-server &>/dev/null; then msg_warn "plus the couchbase-server, libcouchbase and libcouchbase-devel RPMs," fi next_line="and delete directories /var/log/clusterware/," if [ -d /opt/couchbase/ ] && ! rpm -q couchbase-server &>/dev/null ]; then next_line+=" /opt/couchbase/," fi msg_warn "${next_line}" msg_warn "/opt/scyld/clusterware*/ (except /opt/scyld/clusterware-installer/)," next_line=${SCYLDCW_DIR} if [ "${SCYLDCW_DIR}" != "${ROOT_SCYLDCW_DIR}" ]; then next_line+=" and ${ROOT_SCYLDCW_DIR}" fi next_line+=" (except scyldiso.iso and logs/)," msg_warn "${next_line}" if $(grep -q ^baseurl.*localhost.*scyldiso "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}"); then extra_text="and unmount the ClusterWare ISO, " fi msg_warn "${extra_text}before reinstalling ClusterWare." echo "" # We delete ~/.scyldcw/ for the current admin and root, but not for other admins! if $(which scyld-adminctl &>/dev/null); then local other_admins=$(scyld-adminctl ls | grep -v ^"Administrators" | grep -v $(whoami) | grep -v "root") if [ -n "${other_admins}" ]; then local list=$(echo ${other_admins} | tr '\n' ' ' | sed 's/ $//') msg_warn "Other administrators (${list}) should also --clear-all!" echo "" fi fi msg_warn "Are you sure you want to proceed?" ask_continue 1 if $(which scyld-clusterctl &>/dev/null); then if $(scyld-clusterctl repos -i scyldiso ls &>/dev/null); then echo "" msg_warn "Do you want to capture the scyldiso repo into an ISO file?" if $(ask_continue -1 "yes" "Press c to save ISO file, any other key to not save: "); then echo "" if $(scyld-clusterctl repos -i scyldiso download --dest $HOME/.scyldcw iso 1>/dev/null); then msg_warn "Captured scyldiso repo saved as '$HOME/.scyldcw/scyldiso.iso'" else msg_warn "Cannot save repo. Do you want to proceed?" ask_continue 1 "${DEFAULT_NO}" fi else echo "" fi fi fi # Is this a head node in a multi-head node cluster? # If so, then issue some warnings and be cautious about proceeding. if $(which "${MANAGEDB}" &>/dev/null); then local num_heads=$(num_joined_head_nodes) if [ ${num_heads} -ge 2 ]; then echo "" msg_warn "This head node is part of a ${num_heads} head node configuration." if [ ${num_heads} -eq 2 ] && rpm -q clusterware-etcd &>/dev/null; then msg_warn "You must execute 'managedb recover' on the other head node," msg_warn "either before doing this --clear-all or immediately afterwards." else msg_warn "Before doing the --clear-all you should execute either 'managedb leave' on" msg_warn "this head node or 'managedb eject ' on another head node." fi echo "" msg_warn "Do you want to quit and perform that action, or do you want to continue?" ask_continue 1 "${DEFAULT_NO}" fi fi log "Starting --clear-all" # The current directory might be in a directory that will soon be deleted. # Switch to a safe dir (reverting back at the end if the CWD still exists). CWD=$(pwd) cd /tmp # Copy the current clusterware.repo file to a backup. if [ -e ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} ]; then BACKUP=$(echo -n "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}_"; date --iso-8601=seconds | sed 's/:/./g' | tr -d '\n') run_with_sudo "cp -f ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} ${BACKUP}" fi # Do we need to prune the number of clusterware.repo backup files? local files=$(ls "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}"_20[0-9][0-9]-[0-1][0-9]-* 2>/dev/null | sort) local files_count=$(echo "${files}" | wc -l) local rm_count=$(( files_count - MAX_USER_LOGS )) if [ ${rm_count} -gt 0 ]; then log "Remove excess clusterware.repo backups" fi local f for f in $files ; do if [ $rm_count -le 0 ]; then break ; fi run_with_sudo "rm -f ${f}" rm_count=$(( rm_count - 1 )) done local service for service in httpd influxdb grafana-server telegraf cw-stunnel; do stop_disable_service $service done if [ -x /opt/scyld/scyld-nss/bin/scyld-nssctl ]; then sudo /opt/scyld/scyld-nss/bin/scyld-nssctl stop fi stop_disable_service tftp mountpoint /opt/scyld/clusterware/storage > /dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then run_with_sudo SPINNER "Unmounting default storage directory" "umount /opt/scyld/clusterware/storage" else echo "Unmounting default storage directory... not mounted." fi local installed_pkgs=$(rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}\n" | grep clusterware | sort; echo couchbase-server libcouchbase libcouchbase-devel $(scyld_influxdb_nss) ${TICK_OLD} python39-scyld) local pkg for pkg in ${installed_pkgs}; do if [ "${pkg}" != "clusterware-installer" ]; then run_with_sudo SPINNER "Removing ${pkg}" "dnf ${dnf_args} remove ${pkg} &>/dev/null" if rpm -q ${pkg} &>/dev/null; then args= for arg in --nodeps --noscripts; do args="${args} ${arg}" run_with_sudo SPINNER "Trying rpm -e ${args} ${pkg}" "rpm -e ${args} ${pkg} &>/dev/null" if ! rpm -q ${pkg} &>/dev/null; then break fi done fi if [ "${pkg}" == "python39-scyld" ]; then # Special case! path="/opt/scyld/python39" else path="/opt/scyld/${pkg}" fi if [ -e "${path}" ]; then run_with_sudo SPINNER "Erasing ${path}" "rm -rf ${path}" fi fi done if [ -e "/opt/couchbase" ]; then run_with_sudo SPINNER "Erasing /opt/couchbase" "rm -rf /opt/couchbase" fi run_with_sudo SPINNER "Erasing /var/log/clusterware" "rm -rf /var/log/clusterware" log "Erasing database services from firewalld" # Remove both databases, just to be safe. run_with_sudo "firewall-cmd --remove-service couchbase &>/dev/null" run_with_sudo "firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-service couchbase &>/dev/null" run_with_sudo "firewall-cmd --remove-service cw-etcd &>/dev/null" run_with_sudo "firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-service cw-etcd &>/dev/null" # TODO: unclear why directory gets replaced by telegraf.conf file but delete it. run_with_sudo "rm -fr /etc/telegraf" run_with_sudo "systemctl daemon-reload" CWINSTALLED= local scyldcw_dir for scyldcw_dir in ${SCYLDCW_DIR} ${ROOT_SCYLDCW_DIR}; do run_with_sudo "test -d ${scyldcw_dir}" if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then # This user has a .scyldcw/ subdirectory. run_with_sudo "test -d ${scyldcw_dir}/workspace" if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then # This user has a .scyldcw/workspace/ subdirectory. # Find any bind mounts. # We can't simply read /proc/mounts, umount, and keep reading because # the unmount perturbs the contents of /proc/mounts and confuses bash. local workspace=${scyldcw_dir}/workspace local mounts_list=$(mktemp -t mounts.XXXXXXXX) grep ${workspace} /proc/mounts >${mounts_list} if [ -s ${mounts_list} ]; then msg_info "Unmount mounts in ${workspace}..." while read -r ; do local mnt=$(echo ${REPLY} | awk '{print $2}') run_with_sudo "umount '${mnt}'" done < "${mounts_list}" fi rm -f ${mounts_list} fi msg_info "Removing ${scyldcw_dir}/* (retaining scyldiso.iso and logs/)..." run_with_sudo "ls ${scyldcw_dir}" scyldcw_dir_files="${SUDO_OUTPUT}" for f in ${scyldcw_dir_files}; do if [ "${f}" != "logs" -a "${f}" != "scyldiso.iso" ]; then run_with_sudo "rm -fr ${scyldcw_dir}/${f}" fi done fi done # Lobotomize dnf's memory of rpms run_with_sudo "dnf ${dnf_with_scyld} clean all" # And because "clean all" doesn't fully "clean all"... PATHS=$(find /var/cache/dnf -name scyld\*) for P in ${PATHS}; do run_with_sudo "rm -fr ${P}" done echo if [ ! -d "${CWD}" ]; then msg_warn "Erasing complete." msg_warn "Current working directory ${CWD} has been deleted." msg_warn "You should change to a valid directory before re-installing ClusterWare." cleanup 1 "Quitting" else # Revert to the original current working directory. cd ${CWD} fi msg_info "Erasing complete. Ready to start new installation?" if [ -z "${LOAD_CONFIG}" -o -n "${LOAD_CONFIG_SKIP}" ]; then ask_continue 1 "${DEFAULT_NO}" else ask_continue 1 fi run_with_sudo "rm -f ${RESTORE_CWREPO}" # Start a new LOG_FILE to get a timestamp after the erasing LOG_FILE=$(echo -n "${CWLOGS}/install_"; date --iso-8601=seconds | sed 's/:/./g' | tr -d '\n'; echo -n '.log') } unpack() { # either copy the local install files or unpack the compressed payload if [ -f "${DIR}/clusterware.repo.remote.template" ]; then for name in ${pack_files}; do cp "${DIR}"/${name} "${TMPDIR}" done msg_status "Copied installation files." else match=$(grep --text --line-number '^PAYLOAD:$' $0 | cut -d ':' -f 1) if [ -z "${match}" ]; then cleanup 6 "No compressed payload found, exiting." fi payload_start=$((match + 1)) tail -n +$payload_start $0 | base64 --decode | tar --warning=no-timestamp -C "${TMPDIR}" -xzf - msg_status "Unpacked installation files." fi } head_tls(){ err(){ local msg=$1 echo "head_tls(): $msg" exit 1 } local args=() local nc_port=53980 local stunnel_port=53978 local code if ! command -v nc &>/dev/null; then echo "The nc command is required during joins" install_latest_package nmap-ncat || cleanup 1 fi for ((i=1; i<=$#; i++)); do case "${!i}" in --db_pass) ((i++)) local psk_hex=$(echo -n "${!i}" | sha384sum | cut -d ' ' -f 1) ;; --url) ((i++)) local url=$(sed 's|^https\?://||I' <<< "${!i}") args+=(--url "$url") ;; *) args+=("${!i}") ;; esac done [ -z "$psk_hex" ] && err "No password provided. (use --db_pass)" [ -z "$url" ] && err "No url provided. (use --url)" local host=$(cut -d/ -f 1 <<< "$url") grep --quiet ':[0-9]*$' <<< "$host" && err "Host should not have a port." # Start netcat. # curl -> netcat -> s_client -> stunnel -> httpd (clusterware). nc -l "$nc_port" -c "openssl s_client -noservername \ -quiet \ -psk $psk_hex \ -connect $host:$stunnel_port" & # Make the request. curl --connect-to "::$nc_port" \ "${args[@]}" \ --retry-connrefused \ --retry-delay 1 \ --retry 3 \ --silent code=$? # Cleanup. Netcat should already be # closed, but just in case. jobs -p | xargs kill &>/dev/null return "$code" } # parse the command line parse_args() { ################################################################# # The following lines will be located and replaced whenever this # is repacked by the cw_backend code. SERIAL_NUM= SERIAL_NUM_TARGET= SKIP_VER_CHECK= JOIN_CLUSTER= ################################################################# ARCHIVE_ARGS= INSTALL_TOOLS=yes DO_CLEAR_ALL= LOAD_CONFIG= LOAD_CONFIG_SKIP= OSISO_SKIP= RECONF= DEVEL= while test $# -gt 0 do case "$1" in --help|-h) print_help 0 ;; --devel) DEVEL=$(pwd) ;; --loop-404) # A "hidden" option to support in-house testing. # Allows '--iso' and waiting for ISO to be available. LOOP_404=yes ;; --skip-version-check) SKIP_VER_CHECK=yes ;; --config) LOAD_CONFIG=$2 if [ "${LOAD_CONFIG}" == "skip" ]; then # Special case: don't load config file LOAD_CONFIG_SKIP=yes elif [ ! -e "${LOAD_CONFIG}" ]; then msg_error "--config file \"${LOAD_CONFIG}\" does not exist!" cleanup 1 fi shift ;; --match) matchver="$2" shift ;; --token) SERIAL_NUM=yes SERIAL_NUM_TARGET=$2 shift ;; --dnf-repo|--yum-repo) DNF_REPO=yes DNF_REPO_TARGET=$2 shift ;; --no-tools) INSTALL_TOOLS= ;; --clear-all) if [ -n "${ERROR_ON_ARGS}" ]; then DO_CLEAR_ALL=$1 fi ;; --load|-l) LOAD_ARCHIVE=yes TARGET=$2 shift ;; --save|-s) SAVE_ARCHIVE=yes TARGET=$2 shift ;; --update|-u) DO_UPDATE=$1 ;; --without-files) ARCHIVE_ARGS="--without-all" ;; --clear) REINIT=yes ;; --non-interactive) NON_INTERACTIVE=yes ;; --iso) ISO=$2 shift ;; --os-iso) OSISO=$2 if [ "${OSISO}" == "skip" ]; then # Special case: don't build images or load cluster config OSISO_SKIP=yes fi shift ;; --join) JOIN_CLUSTER=$2 shift ;; --database-passwd) DB_PASSWD=$2 LEN=$(echo "${DB_PASSWD}" | wc -c) if [ ${LEN} -le 8 ]; then msg_warn "Warning: influx2 requires database passwd to be minimum of 8 chars" fi shift ;; --reconfigure) RECONF=yes ;; --pack) echo "Packing a stand-alone ./scyld-install" # confirm we have what we need unpack for name in ${pack_files}; do if [ ! -e "${TMPDIR}/${name}" ]; then echo " required file missing: ${TMPDIR}/${name}" rm -rf "${TMPDIR}" exit 1 fi done # package the installer outfile=./scyld-install cp "$0" "${TMPDIR}"/install.sh match=$(grep --text --line-number '^PAYLOAD:$' "${TMPDIR}"/install.sh | cut -d ':' -f 1) if [ -n "${match}" ]; then head -n$((${match} - 1)) "${TMPDIR}"/install.sh > "${outfile}" else cat "${TMPDIR}"/install.sh > "${outfile}" fi echo "PAYLOAD:" >> "${outfile}" tar -C "${TMPDIR}" -chzf- ${pack_files} | base64 >> "${outfile}" chmod 755 "${outfile}" rm -rf "${TMPDIR}" exit 0 ;; *) if [ -n "${ERROR_ON_ARGS}" ]; then print_help 3 "Unknown argument: $1" fi ;; esac shift done if [ -n "${DO_CLEAR_ALL}" ]; then clear_all fi } # # BEGIN INSTALLER # # open the log file if [ -z "${LOG_FILE}" ]; then LOG_FILE=$(echo -n "${CWLOGS}/install_"; date --iso-8601=seconds | sed 's/:/./g' | tr -d '\n'; echo -n '.log') mkdir -p "${CWLOGS}" fi # If not a restart of the installer, then use a new LAST_DNF_CLEAN_REPO file. if [ -z "${LAST_DNF_CLEAN_REPO}" ]; then LAST_DNF_CLEAN_REPO=$(mktemp -t dnf_clean_repo.XXXXXXXX) fi # If not a restart of the installer, then use a new TMPDIR directory. if [ -z "${TMPDIR}" ]; then # Create a temporary directory to hold temp installer files TMPDIR=$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir clusterware-inst.XXXXXX) log "Created temporary folder: ${TMPDIR}" fi # Do we need to prune the number of log files? touch "${LOG_FILE}" # count new file as one of the retained FILES=$(ls "${CWLOGS}"/install_* 2>/dev/null | sort) FILES_COUNT=$(echo "${FILES}" | wc -l) RM_COUNT=$(( FILES_COUNT - MAX_USER_LOGS )) for F in $FILES ; do if [ $RM_COUNT -le 0 ]; then break ; fi rm -f "$F" RM_COUNT=$(( RM_COUNT - 1 )) done ERROR_ON_ARGS= parse_args "$@" echo "ClusterWare installer starts." PKG=$(rpm -qf $0) if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ $(echo ${PKG} | grep -qv "is not owned") ]; then log "ClusterWare installer $0 (${PKG}) starts." else log "ClusterWare installer $0 starts." fi if [ "$#" == "0" ]; then log " no arguments passed" else log " arguments: $@" fi log " $(echo -n "when: "; date --iso-8601=ns)" log "----------------------------------------" # pull in os-release fields for multiple uses . /etc/os-release # simplify down to just the major number os_release_major=$(echo "${VERSION_ID}" | sed 's/^\(.*\)\..*$/\1/') # check if we appear to be running from an ISO with a local repository UPDATED= LOCAL_REPO= if [ -d "${DIR}/ScyldPackages" -a -d "${DIR}/repodata" ]; then if ! using_mounted_ISO ; then msg_error "${DIR} must be a mounted ISO, not a copy." cleanup 1 fi LOCAL_REPO="${DIR}" echo "Using local repository at ${LOCAL_REPO}" dnf_clean_all_if_needed # confirm the package version from the mounted ISO check_iso_version "${DIR}/ScyldPackages/" # If 'clusterware-installer' is present, then try to update it using # the clusterware-installer in the ISO. log "Checking for newer installer in ISO." run_with_sudo "rpm -Uvh '${DIR}/ScyldPackages/clusterware-installer*' 2>&1 | cat" echo ${SUDO_OUTPUT} | grep 'Updating / installing...' &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then # Assume ${DIR}/scyld-install is same version # as ${DIR}/ScyldPackages/clusterware-installer RPM echo "Updated to a new installer RPM and currently running that installer." SCYLD_INSTALL="${DIR}/scyld-install" fi SKIP_VER_CHECK=silent else if [ -e ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} ] && \ grep -q ^baseurl.*http:\/\/localhost\/api\/v.\/isomount\/scyldiso ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}; then SKIP_VER_CHECK=yes fi fi # Prior to checking the command line arguments check for a newer script via RPM. if [ -n "${SKIP_VER_CHECK}" ]; then if [ "${SKIP_VER_CHECK}" != "silent" ]; then echo "Skipping check for a newer installer rpm." fi else # default the RPM path to the generally correct value if [ -z "${RPM_URL}" ]; then # NO trailing slash on this one RPM_BASE_URL=https://updates.penguincomputing.com/clusterware/11/installer RPM_URL_DETECT=yes fi if [ -z "${RPM_URL}" ]; then if [ -n "${RPM_URL_DETECT}" ]; then REPO_FILE= if [ -n "${DNF_REPO}" ]; then REPO_FILE=${DNF_REPO_TARGET} # We will replace the current clusterware.repo with a new file, # so first make a special backup in case we need to restore. RESTORE_CWREPO=$(mktemp -t repofile.orig.XXXXXX) if [ -e "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" ]; then run_with_sudo "cp -a ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} ${RESTORE_CWREPO}" fi elif [ -e "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" ]; then REPO_FILE=${DNFDIR_CWREPO} fi if [ -n "${REPO_FILE}" ]; then URL=$(grep '^\s*baseurl=' ${REPO_FILE} | \ head -n1 | sed 's/^baseurl=//' | sed 's/\/*$//') REPO_COUNT=$(grep '^\s*baseurl=' ${REPO_FILE} | wc -l) if [ ${REPO_COUNT} -gt 1 ]; then msg_warn "Checking only 1st of ${REPO_COUNT} repos in ${REPO_FILE}." fi fi if [ -n "${URL}" ]; then path=$(echo "${URL}" | sed 's|FILE://||i') if $(echo ${path} | grep -q repo\/scyldiso\/); then # This is a locally mounted repo. RPM_BASE_URL="${path}/ScyldPackages" RPM_URL=${RPM_BASE_URL}/$(curl -s ${RPM_BASE_URL}/ | grep clusterware-installer | sed 's/^.*="//' | sed 's/".*$//') elif [ "${path::1}" == "/" ]; then RPM_URL=$(ls "${path}/clusterware-installer-"* 2>/dev/null) else INST_DIR=$(echo "${URL}" | awk --field-separator / '{ print $(NF-1) }' | sed 's/[^-]*/installer/') RPM_BASE_URL="$(echo "${URL}" | sed 's/\/[^\/]*\/[^\/]*$//')/${INST_DIR}" fi fi fi if [ -z "${RPM_URL}" ]; then RPM_URL="${RPM_BASE_URL}/clusterware-installer.rpm" fi fi log "Checking for newer at ${RPM_URL}." echo "Checking for a newer installer." run_with_sudo "rpm -Uvh '${RPM_URL}' 2>&1 | cat" # see what RPM did REASON="" echo ${SUDO_OUTPUT} | grep 'Could not resolve host' &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then REASON="Could not resolve host: $(echo ${RPM_URL} | sed 's/.*:\/\///' | sed 's/\/.*//')" fi if [ -z "${REASON}" ]; then echo ${SUDO_OUTPUT} | grep 'Failed connect to' &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then REASON="Failed connect to $(echo ${RPM_URL} | sed 's/.*:\/\///' | sed 's/\/.*//'); No route to host" fi fi if [ -z "${REASON}" ]; then echo ${SUDO_OUTPUT} | grep 'URL returned error' &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then if $(echo ${RPM_BASE_URL} | grep -q "localhost.*\/isomount\/scyldiso\/ScyldPackages"); then REASON="Is the 'scyldiso' repo a ClusterWare ISO?" else REASON="Bad URL: ${RPM_URL}" fi else echo ${SUDO_OUTPUT} | grep 'is already installed$' &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then REASON=up-to-date else echo ${SUDO_OUTPUT} | grep 'Updating / installing...' &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then REASON=updated fi fi fi fi if [ -z "${REASON}" ]; then echo ${SUDO_OUTPUT} | grep 'No such file or directory' &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then REASON="No such file or directory" fi fi if [ -z "${REASON}" ]; then echo ${SUDO_OUTPUT} | grep 'transfer failed' &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then REASON="Transfer of $(echo ${RPM_URL})" fi fi if [ -z "${REASON}" ]; then echo ${SUDO_OUTPUT} | grep 'conflicts with file from' &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" ]; then OUT1=$(echo ${SUDO_OUTPUT} | sed 's/^.* installed file/File/') OUT2=$(echo ${OUT1} | sed 's/ install of//' | sed 's/package/installed package/') OUT3=$(echo ${OUT2} | sed 's/from/from\n /' | sed 's/file from/file from\n /') REASON="${OUT3}" fi fi if [ -z "${REASON}" ]; then REASON="Unknown error" fi if [ "${REASON}" == "updated" ]; then echo "Installed a new installer RPM, running the newly installed script." UPDATED=yes SCYLD_INSTALL="/usr/bin/scyld-install" else if [ "${REASON}" != "up-to-date" ]; then # TODO: May be a bad URL in ${CWDIR_DNFREPO}, in which case better to ignore, # or even ignore quietly. msg_error "An error occurred when fetching the installer RPM:\n ${REASON}" ask_continue 2 fi rpm -q clusterware-installer &>/dev/null if [ "$?" == "0" -a \ "$( realpath "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" != "$( realpath "/usr/bin/scyld-install" )" ]; then echo "Running the script provided by the clusterware-installer rpm." UPDATED=yes SCYLD_INSTALL="/usr/bin/scyld-install" fi fi fi if [ -n "${UPDATED}" ]; then msg_status export LOG_FILE export ASKED_PASS export SUDO_PASS export LAST_DNF_CLEAN_REPO export TMPDIR exec ${SCYLD_INSTALL} "$@" cleanup 2 "Unreachable after exec" fi echo "Proceeding with current script." # reparse the arguments before proceeding ERROR_ON_ARGS=yes parse_args "$@" if $(rpm -q clusterware-couchbase &>/dev/null); then msg_error "\nThis version of ClusterWare does not support the Couchbase database." msg_error "Either convert to the etcd database and retry, or revert to a" msg_error "ClusterWare 11 scyld-install and continue using ClusterWare 11." cleanup 1 fi if [ "${DB_RPM}" != "clusterware-etcd" ]; then msg_error "\nOnly \"DB_RPM=clusterware-etcd\" is valid for this version of ClusterWare." cleanup 1 fi # If doing a join, then query the join-to head node with its database password # to validate the password and receive the head node's database type. # Then ask for the join-to repo file, check for incompatibilities with the # joining node, and if okay then make it our own clusterware.repo. if [ -n "${JOIN_CLUSTER}" ]; then # Don't do a join if already joined to a cluster. NUM_HEADS=$(num_joined_head_nodes) if [ ${NUM_HEADS} -ge 2 ]; then msg_error "This head node is already part of a ${NUM_HEADS} head node configuration." cleanup 1 fi # Query the join-to database password and database type. check_jointo_cred_database if [ -z "${PASSWD_OK}" -o -z "${DB_JOIN_TO}" ]; then msg_error "Invalid or undetermined join-to password and/or database." cleanup 1 fi # Download the join-to clusterware.repo and examine it. TMP_CWREPO=$(mktemp -t jointo.repofile.XXXXXX) USE_TMP_CWREPO= RET=$(curl -s "${JOIN_CLUSTER}"/api/v1/install/repo > "${TMP_CWREPO}") if [ -n "${RET}" ] || [ ! -s "${TMP_CWREPO}" ] \ || ! grep -q scyld "${TMP_CWREPO}" \ || ! grep -q baseurl "${TMP_CWREPO}" ; then # curl returned an error, or an empty file, or file without "scyld" and # "baseurl", so it doesn't appear to be a clusterware.repo file. msg_error "Cannot download ${JOIN_CLUSTER} dnf repo file." msg_error " $(cat ${TMP_CWREPO})" else RESTORE_CWREPO=$(mktemp -t repofile.orig.XXXXXX) touch "${RESTORE_CWREPO}" if [ -e "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" ]; then run_with_sudo "cp -a ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} ${RESTORE_CWREPO}" fi run_with_sudo "cp ${TMP_CWREPO} ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" run_with_sudo "chmod 644 ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" fi rm -f "${TMP_CWREPO}" # Check the join-to clusterware.repo now. dnf_clean_all_if_needed clusterware_list=$(run_with_sudo "dnf ${dnf_with_scyld} list available clusterware 2>/dev/null" | \ grep ^clusterware | head -1) if [ -n "${clusterware_list}" ]; then clusterware_pkg=$(echo "${clusterware_list}" | awk '{print $2}') if [ -n "${clusterware_pkg}" ]; then if [[ ! "${clusterware_pkg}" =~ ^"12" ]]; then msg_error "\nThis version of ClusterWare only supports installing ClusterWare 12," msg_error "updating to ClusterWare 12, or joining a ClusterWare 12 cluster." msg_error "Otherwise revert to a ClusterWare 11 scyld-install and retry." cleanup 1 fi fi fi # managedb needs this for the join DBARG="--purge" fi if [ ! -e "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" ] && [ -n "${DNF_REPO}" -o -n "${DNF_REPO_TARGET}" ]; then # No current repo file and arg specifies it, so use that file if ok. check_file DNF_REPO DNF_REPO_TARGET "--dnf-repo" msg_status "Using dnf repo file: ${DNF_REPO_TARGET}" run_with_sudo "cp ${DNF_REPO_TARGET} ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" # New repo file is now installed, so forget the "--dnf-repo" arg. DNF_REPO= DNF_REPO_TARGET= fi # check if iso specified if [ -n "${ISO}" ]; then TMP_ISO=$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir scyld-iso.XXXXX) # Download iso if not local echo ${ISO} | grep "://" > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo -n "Waiting for installation iso " download_ready= iso_size=0 pos=0 while true; do if [ -z "${download_ready}" ]; then # do HEAD requests until the size stabilizes curl_output=$(curl --silent --head "${ISO}") res=$? curl_status=$(echo "${curl_output}" | head -n1 | awk '{ print $2 }') else # download the file once the size is stable curl_status=$(curl --silent --write-out %{http_code} -o "${TMP_ISO}/scyld.iso" "${ISO}") res=$? fi if [ "${res}" != "0" ]; then # fail out on curl errors msg_error "\nCurl failed with exit code ${res}" cleanup 1 elif [ ${curl_status} -eq 200 ]; then new_size=$(echo "${curl_output}" | awk '/^Content-Length:/ { print $2 }') if [ "${iso_size}" == "${new_size}" ]; then # trigger the actual download if [ -z "${download_ready}" ]; then download_ready=yes echo -en "\nDownloading installation iso..." else echo break fi else # loop on success until size stabilizes iso_size=${new_size} echo -ne "\b${spin[pos]}" sleep 0.1 pos=$(( (${pos} + 1) % 4 )) fi elif [ ${curl_status} = 404 -a -n "${LOOP_404}" ]; then echo -ne "\b${spin[pos]}" sleep 0.1 pos=$(( (${pos} + 1) % 4 )) else # Fail if we saw any failure, unless it's 404 and --loop-404, # which means the user wants curl to wait for the ISO to appear. msg_error "\nDownloading ISO failed with http code ${curl_status}." cleanup 1 fi done ISO=${TMP_ISO}/scyld.iso fi # If we don't have an ${ISO} file by now, then fail. if [ ! -e "${ISO}" ]; then msg_error "${ISO} does not exist" cleanup 1 "Quitting" fi # mount $ISO mkdir -p "${TMP_ISO}/mount" run_with_sudo "mount -o loop,ro $ISO $TMP_ISO/mount" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Mount ${ISO} failed" # Delete $TMP_ISO mountpoint here to avoid confusing cleanup's umount. rm -rf ${TMP_ISO}/mount cleanup 1 fi # Check that we've mounted a ClusterWare ISO with the right version. # Otherwise, it's a waste of time to re-exec the installer in the mount. DIR="${TMP_ISO}/mount" if [ ! -e "${DIR}/scyld-install" -o ! -d "${DIR}/ScyldPackages" ]; then msg_error "${ISO} is not a valid ClusterWare 11 ISO" cleanup 1 fi check_iso_version "${ISO}" # remove --iso from args and recurse args=("$@") for ((i=0; i<"${#args[@]}"; ++i)); do case ${args[i]} in --iso) unset args[i]; unset args[i+1]; break;; esac done export LOG_FILE export TMP_ISO export DB_RPM="${DB_RPM}" export LAST_DNF_CLEAN_REPO export TMPDIR exec ${TMP_ISO}/mount/scyld-install ${args[@]} cleanup 2 "Unreachable after exec from iso" fi # check if the clusterware rpm is installed CWINSTALLED= if rpm -q clusterware &>/dev/null; then CWINSTALLED=yes if [ -n "${JOIN_CLUSTER}" ]; then msg_warn "\nThis node has previously been installed, but a join was requested." msg_warn "This join will purge the existing database contents, including all images" msg_warn "and boot configs, and will just have access to the joined head node(s)'s" msg_warn "images and boot configs." msg_warn "If you want to save any images or configs, then do not continue the join" msg_warn "and instead use 'scyld-bootctl export' or 'managedb save' before retrying." ask_continue fi if [ -n "${DO_UPDATE}" ]; then msg_status "User wants to continue and to update existing software." else if [ -n "${JOIN_CLUSTER}" ]; then msg_warn "ClusterWare is already installed. Update ClusterWare using ${JOIN_CLUSTER} clusterware.repo?" else msg_warn "ClusterWare is already installed. Update ClusterWare?" fi ask_continue "${MISMATCH_ERR}" DO_UPDATE=yes fi else msg_status "The 'clusterware' package is not currently installed." if [ -n "${DO_UPDATE}" ]; then msg_warn "The ${DO_UPDATE} argument presumes an existing installation. Install ClusterWare now? " ask_continue fi fi check_clusterware_version_against_base # check if system has enough memory SYSTEM_MEMORY=$(awk '/MemTotal/ {print $2}' /proc/meminfo) if [ 2000000 -gt $SYSTEM_MEMORY ]; then cleanup 1 "A minimum of 2 GB of memory is required, exiting" fi # check if the minor release is high enough read -r MAJOR_RELEASE MINOR_RELEASE < <(grep -oE '[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?' /etc/redhat-release | awk -F. '{ print $1 " " $2 }') if [ -z "${MINOR_RELEASE}" ]; then # No MINOR_RELEASE field, so set to zero to keep bash happy. MINOR_RELEASE=0 fi if [ "${MAJOR_RELEASE}" -lt "8" ]; then cleanup 1 "RHEL-based 8+ required, ${MAJOR_RELEASE}.${MINOR_RELEASE} installed" else if grep --silent ' Stream ' /etc/redhat-release; then msg_info "CentOS Stream ${MAJOR_RELEASE} detected." else msg_info "RHEL-based ${MAJOR_RELEASE} detected." fi install_latest_package tar || cleanup 1 fi # check if conflicting services are active or enabled if [ "$(systemctl is-active libvirtd)" == "active" ] || [ "$(systemctl is-enabled libvirtd 2> /dev/null)" == "enabled" ] ; then cleanup 1 "This software is incompatible with libvirt. Please stop and disable libvirtd, and kill the associated dnsmasq processes or reboot." fi if [ "$(systemctl is-active dnsmasq)" == "active" ] || [ "$(systemctl is-enabled dnsmasq 2> /dev/null)" == "enabled" ] ; then msg_warn "Active dnsmasq service will conflict with clusterware-dnsmasq. Stop and disable dnsmasq, or remove clusteware-dnsmasq after installation." fi # check the arguments in more depth check_file SAVE_ARCHIVE TARGET "--save" missingok check_file LOAD_ARCHIVE TARGET "--load" if [ -n "${ARCHIVE_ARGS}" -a -z "${LOAD_ARCHIVE}" ]; then print_help 4 "The --without-files options requires --load." fi if [ -n "${JOIN_CLUSTER}" ] && \ [ -n "${LOAD_ARCHIVE}" -o -n "${SAVE_ARCHIVE}" ]; then print_help 5 "Cannot load or save while joining an existing cluster." fi if [ -z "${SAVE_ARCHIVE}" ]; then # cannot install without configuring but passing an empty file avoids this exit if [ -z "${LOAD_CONFIG}" -a -z "${LOAD_ARCHIVE}" -a -z "${CWINSTALLED}" -a -z "${JOIN_CLUSTER}" ]; then print_help 7 "A cluster configuration file is required for new installations.\nSee '--config' below:" fi if [ -z "${LOCAL_REPO}" ]; then if [ -n "${SERIAL_NUM}" -a -z "${SERIAL_NUM_TARGET}" ]; then print_help 8 "A string must follow --token." fi check_file DNF_REPO DNF_REPO_TARGET "--dnf-repo" # if a /etc/yum.repos.d/clusterware.repo file exists assume it's correct and use it if [ -z "${SERIAL_NUM}" -a -z "${DNF_REPO}" -a ! -e "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" ]; then msg_info "Neither a clusterware.repo file nor an authentication token has been provided." read -p 'Please provide an authentication token: ' SERIAL_NUM_TARGET if [ -z "${SERIAL_NUM_TARGET}" ]; then # TODO: other option is to install an evaluation version here print_help 9 "Either an authentication token or a dnf repo file must be provided." else SERIAL_NUM=yes fi fi fi fi # save the objects and exit if [ -n "${SAVE_ARCHIVE}" ]; then if [ -z "${CWINSTALLED}" ]; then cleanup 5 "ClusterWare does not appear to be installed, cannot save '${TARGET}'" else if [ -z "${ARCHIVE_ARGS}" ]; then # default to saving db plus all files ARCHIVE_ARGS="--with-all" fi msg_info "Saving ClusterWare database to ${TARGET}" run_with_sudo "${MANAGEDB} save ${ARCHIVE_ARGS} '${TARGET}'" cleanup 0 " saved" fi fi # unpack the payload unpack # Put some repo file into ${TMPDIR} based on the local path or serial # number or passed or installed repo. if [ -n "${LOCAL_REPO}" ]; then msg_status "Using local dnf repo: ${LOCAL_REPO}" sed "s\\\\${LOCAL_REPO}\\" "${TMPDIR}"/clusterware.repo.local.template > "${TMPDIR}"/clusterware.repo sed --in-place "s//${os_release_major}/" "${TMPDIR}"/clusterware.repo elif [ -n "${SERIAL_NUM}" ]; then if [ "${SERIAL_NUM_TARGET}" == "--serial-from-head--" ]; then msg_status "Using authentication token already embedded in clusterware.repo" else msg_status "Using authentication token: ${SERIAL_NUM_TARGET}" # append a colon if none is found in the string if [[ "${SERIAL_NUM_TARGET}" != *:* ]]; then SERIAL_NUM_TARGET="${SERIAL_NUM_TARGET}:" fi fi sed "s//${SERIAL_NUM_TARGET}/" \ "${TMPDIR}"/clusterware.repo.remote.template > "${TMPDIR}"/clusterware.repo sed --in-place "s//${os_release_major}/" "${TMPDIR}"/clusterware.repo elif [ -n "${DNF_REPO}" -o -n "${DNF_REPO_TARGET}" ]; then check_file DNF_REPO DNF_REPO_TARGET "--dnf-repo" msg_status "Using dnf repo file: ${DNF_REPO_TARGET}" cp "${DNF_REPO_TARGET}" "${TMPDIR}"/clusterware.repo # If we haven't already created a special backup, then do it now. if [ -z "${RESTORE_CWREPO}" ]; then RESTORE_CWREPO=$(mktemp -t repofile.orig.XXXXXX) if [ -e "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" ]; then run_with_sudo "cp -a ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} ${RESTORE_CWREPO}" fi fi elif [ -e "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" ]; then msg_status "Using existing /etc/yum.repos.d/clusterware.repo file." cp -a ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} "${TMPDIR}"/clusterware.repo else cleanup 7 "Could not find or construct a clusterware.repo file." fi # Copy possibly new repo file in ${TMPDIR} to the system location if necessary if [ -e ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} ] && \ diff -s "${TMPDIR}"/clusterware.repo ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} &>/dev/null; then msg_status "Repo file is unchanged." else msg_status "Copying the repo file to ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" run_with_sudo "cp ${TMPDIR}/clusterware.repo ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" run_with_sudo "chmod 644 ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" dnf_clean_all_if_needed fi # restore SELinux context for the repo if [ -e /usr/sbin/restorecon ]; then run_with_sudo "/usr/sbin/restorecon -F ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" fi # enable the repos run_with_sudo "sed --in-place 's/^\s*enabled\s*=\s*[01].*$/enabled=1/' ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" check_clusterware_major_for_cw12 if [ -n "${CWINSTALLED}" -a -z "${RECONF}" ]; then # If updating from CW11 to CW12, then remove ${TICK_OLD}. OLD_CW_VER=$(rpm -q --qf "%{VERSION}\n" clusterware) if [ -n "${OLD_CW_VER}" ] && [[ "${OLD_CW_VER}" =~ ^"11" ]]; then # Remove the old CW11 TICK packages, if they still exist. # Otherwise the new influxdb2 will conflict with old influxdb. for RPM in ${TICK_OLD}; do if rpm -q "${RPM}" &>/dev/null; then run_with_sudo SPINNER "Removing ${RPM}" "rpm -e --nodeps ${RPM} > >(tee --append '${LOG_FILE}') 2>&1" fi done if [ -d /var/log/chronograf ]; then run_with_sudo "rm -fr /var/log/chronograf" fi RPM="python3-mod_wsgi" if rpm -q ${RPM} &>/dev/null; then # If python3-mod_wsgi is installed, then it is the CW11 el8 python3 # package and conflicts with CW12 python39. Just delete. run_with_sudo SPINNER "Removing ${RPM}" "rpm -e --nodeps ${RPM} > >(tee --append '${LOG_FILE}') 2>&1" fi UPDATE_CW11_TO_CW12=yes fi INSTALL_RPMS="" # If updating from an earlier version of cw12 that didn't install # clusterware-grafana, then add that package to the list. # TODO: this can eventually go away when all early cw12 go away. if ! rpm -q clusterware-grafana &>/dev/null; then INSTALL_RPMS="clusterware-grafana " fi INSTALL_RPMS+=$(rpm -qa --qf "%{NAME}\n" | grep clusterware | sort; echo ${INFLUXDB2} scyld-nss) OBSOLETES=$(dnf ${dnf_args} list obsoletes | grep ^" .*scyld" | sed 's/ //' | sed 's/\..*$//') fi # install or update the top listed RPMs for RPM in ${INSTALL_RPMS}; do ORELSE="cleanup 9" if [ "$RPM" == "clusterware-docs" ]; then ORELSE="msg_warn ClusterWare documentation was not installed, continuing anyway." fi # If this RPM is in someone's Obsoletes list, then skip it. skip_rpm= for obsolete in ${OBSOLETES}; do if [ "${RPM}" == "${obsolete}" ]; then skip_rpm=yes break fi done # if no reason to skip this one, proceed if [ -z "${skip_rpm}" ]; then install_latest_package "${RPM}" || ${ORELSE} # enable scyld-nss at install time if [ -z "${CWINSTALLED}" -a "${RPM}" == "scyld-nss" ]; then enable_nss=yes fi # If we've made it this far, then the install/update has # not triggered an error, so stop checking the validity. CHECKED_OS_COMPATIBLE=yes fi done # Packages can change the rsyslog config so we restart rsyslog post # install or upgrade, but we could also push that into each rpm's # %post. run_with_sudo "systemctl restart rsyslog" # Packages can change a systemd service, so reload the daemons. run_with_sudo "systemctl daemon-reload" if [ "${firewall_cmd}" == "firewall-cmd" ]; then run_with_sudo "${firewall_cmd} --reload" fi # confirm the clusterware package is installed at this point if ! rpm -q clusterware &>/dev/null; then msg_error "Failed to install the 'clusterware' package. Please check the ~/.scyldcw/logs/\nto help identify the specific error and try again after resolving any issues." cleanup 1 fi # a few steps are only done during the initial install if [ -z "${CWINSTALLED}" ]; then # early chance to replace code for debugging during / just post install if [ -n "${DEVEL}" -a -d "${DEVEL}/clusterware/" ]; then msg_warn "DEVEL: Copying in new clusterware code" run_with_sudo "cp -a ${DEVEL}/clusterware/ /opt/scyld" run_with_sudo "restorecon -rF /opt/scyld" fi # As of CentOS 8 installing mod_ssl no longer generates # /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt so we explicitly trigger that here. # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1764838 if [ ! -e /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt ]; then msg_warn "Creating missing /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt" run_with_sudo /usr/libexec/httpd-ssl-gencerts fi fi # Randomize bits of the base.ini on fresh installs NEW_INSTALL= if [ -z "${CWINSTALLED}" -o -n "${REINIT}" ]; then if [ -z "${DB_PASSWD}" -o -n "${JOIN_CLUSTER}" ]; then run_with_sudo /opt/scyld/clusterware/bin/randomize_ini else run_with_sudo "DB_PASSWD='${DB_PASSWD}' /opt/scyld/clusterware/bin/randomize_ini" fi NEW_INSTALL=yes # TODO: might be able to call headctl for this? dbplugin=$(echo "${DB_RPM}" | sed 's/^.*-//') msg_status "Selecting '${dbplugin}' as the database backend." run_with_sudo "sed --in-place 's/^plugins.database.*/plugins.database\\\\\\ =\\\\\\ db_${dbplugin}/' '/opt/scyld/clusterware/conf/base.ini'" # enable https on new installs or joins msg_status "Enabling HTTPS communication through Apache." run_with_sudo "/opt/scyld/clusterware/bin/headctl --enable-https" fi # Important: Do not call managedb or restart the clusterware service # until this point, i.e. after we have randomized the base.ii and # other files. This avoids various startup issues where the # clusterware or clusterware-etcd services attempt to start prior to # the head node UID being generated. # If this is this an update of a joined head node that changed the major or # minor version number, then issue warning to update all joined head nodes. if [ -n "${CWINSTALLED}" -a $(num_joined_head_nodes) -gt 1 ]; then OLD_MAJ=$(cut -f1 -d. <<<$OLD_CW_VER) NEW_CW_VER=$(rpm -q --qf "%{VERSION}\n" clusterware) NEW_MAJ=$(cut -f1 -d. <<<$NEW_CW_VER) if [ "${OLD_MAJ}" != "${NEW_MAJ}" ]; then URGENCY="as soon as possible" elif [ "${OLD_CW_VER}" != "${NEW_CW_VER}" ]; then URGENCY="soon" fi if [ -n "${URGENCY}" ]; then msg_warn "You have updated ${OLD_CW_VER} to ${NEW_CW_VER}, so please ensure that all head nodes are\n similarly updated to ${NEW_CW_VER} ${URGENCY}." # else OLD_CW_VER == NEW_CW_VER fi fi # set the user as an admin before the base.ini gets read if [ -n "${NEW_INSTALL}" -o -n "${RECONF}" ]; then if [ -n "${INSTALL_TOOLS}" ]; then msg_status "Setting ${USER} as the only auth.tmpadmin in base.ini." run_with_sudo \ "sed --in-place \"s/^[ #]*auth.tmpadmins.*/auth.tmpadmins = ${USER}/\" /opt/scyld/clusterware/conf/base.ini" fi # start the firewalld service before trying to open ports # This may lose uncommitted changes to the running firewall, but is necessary # to force firewalld to re-read the config files so we can enable the service enable_start_service firewalld reload # database ports must be open before any attempt to join an existing cluster if [ "${DB_RPM}" == "clusterware-couchbase" ]; then open_port_or_service couchbase elif [ "${DB_RPM}" == "clusterware-etcd" ]; then open_port_or_service cw-etcd else msg_warn "No ports opened for backend database ${DB_RPM}" fi fi # add a --purge argument if --clear was passed if [ -n "${REINIT}" ]; then DBARG="--purge" fi # join this head node to an existing cluster if [ -n "${JOIN_CLUSTER}" ]; then log "Joining the cluster with head node ${JOIN_CLUSTER}" BASE_INI_OLD="${TMPDIR}/base.ini-old" BASE_INI_NEW="${TMPDIR}/base.ini-new" # Copy the current base.ini to an admin-owned file for easier access run_with_sudo cp ${BASE_INI} ${BASE_INI_OLD} run_with_sudo chmod 0666 ${BASE_INI_OLD} linenum=$(grep -n "^database.admin_pass" ${BASE_INI_OLD} | cut -f1 -d:) cat ${BASE_INI_OLD} | sed "${linenum}cdatabase.admin_pass = ${DB_PASSWD}" > ${BASE_INI_NEW} run_with_sudo cp ${BASE_INI_NEW} ${BASE_INI} http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= run_with_sudo SPINNER "Joining an existing cluster" \ "${MANAGEDB} -vv join ${DBARG} '${JOIN_CLUSTER}' \ > >(cat >> '${LOG_FILE}') 2>&1" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # Restore the base.ini back to the original contents run_with_sudo cp ${BASE_INI_OLD} ${BASE_INI} cleanup 1 fi run_with_sudo LIVE ${MANAGEDB} --wait-ready # or on new installs configure the database elif [ -n "${NEW_INSTALL}" ]; then # poke the database backend once per loop, up to 10 times, until it is active log "Waiting for database backend to become active: $(date)" for n in $(seq 1 10); do sudo /opt/scyld/clusterware/bin/managedb --heads &> /dev/null etcdActive=$(systemctl is-active clusterware-etcd) if [ "${etcdActive}" == "active" ]; then break fi done # now that the database should be up, initialize the contents log "Configuring the database for a new cluster: $(date)" http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= run_with_sudo SPINNER "Initializing the key store" \ "${MANAGEDB} --verbose clear ${DBARG} > >(cat >> '${LOG_FILE}') 2>&1" || cleanup 1 # update the database elif [ -n "${DO_UPDATE}" ]; then log "Updating the database on an existing cluster." # switched from SPINNER to LIVE to fix a no_proxy issue that # caused a hang when upgrading a cluster with proxies. # TODO: change SPINNER to properly handle proxies, but requires a fair bit of testing. http_proxy= https_proxy= no_proxy= run_with_sudo LIVE bash -c \ "echo 'Updating key store...'; ${MANAGEDB} --verbose update > >(cat >> '${LOG_FILE}') 2>&1" || \ cleanup 1 fi # stop httpd so we can be sure of a fresh start run_with_sudo SPINNER "Stopping httpd" "systemctl stop httpd" # Start default services, except grafana-server which gets started later. for service in httpd influxdb telegraf cw-stunnel; do enable_start_service $service done # At this point clusterware should be running and should # have acquired a cluster CA certificate from either: # a) Creating one on startup, if this is a new cluster. # b) Pulled from the database of a joined cluster. # So now it's time to generate host certificates for this # head node. msg_status "Creating certificates" run_with_sudo /opt/scyld/clusterware/bin/generate_head_certs # Restart apache and etcd so that the certificates # are being used. for service in etcd httpd; do enable_start_service $service restart done # If we installed scyld-nss enable it here now that the clusterware # service is recognized (post enabling httpd once) if [ -n "enable_nss" ]; then msg_status "Enabling scyld-nss on the head node" run_with_sudo "/opt/scyld/scyld-nss/bin/scyld-nssctl start" fi # also start the tftp-server enable_start_service tftp if [ -n "${NEW_INSTALL}" -o -n "${RECONF}" ]; then # If the baseurl points to the ${JOIN_CLUSTER} node, # then change that to "localhost". if [ -n "${JOIN_CLUSTER}" ]; then read -r start end junk < <(awk '/\[scyld-/ { print NR }' ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} | tr '\n' ' ') if [ -z "${end}" ]; then end=$(cat "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" | wc --lines) fi linenum=$(tail -n+${start} ${DNFDIR_CWREPO} | head -n$(( ${end} - ${start} )) | \ grep -n ^"baseurl*=*http:\/\/${JOIN_CLUSTER}/api/v" ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}) if [ -n "${linenum}" ]; then linenum=$(echo ${linenum} | sed 's/:.*$//') sed "${linenum}s/${JOIN_CLUSTER}/localhost/" "${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" \ > "${TMPDIR}/tmp.repo" run_with_sudo "cp ${TMPDIR}/tmp.repo ${DNFDIR_CWREPO}" fi fi # Open access to the http service for service in http https; do open_port_or_service $service done # Allow public access to tftp, but ignore a specific error msg_status "Opening firewall for service tftp" open_firewall_for_tftp open_firewall_for_tftp --permanent # TODO: provide a mechanism to open ports only on appropriate interfaces, # perhaps by reading the from the cluster configuration file? #### Open assorted ports # 53/udp # dns to expose dnsmasq to the cluster and optionally outside # 123/udp # ntp to expose chrony to peer servers and node clients # 3260/tcp # iscsi # 8094/udp # telegraf from incoming from nodes to local telegraf for port in dns ntp iscsi-target telegraf mqtt mqtt-tls cw-mqtt cw-stunnel; do open_port_or_service $port done fi # Call python code to configure the influx + grafana subsystem grafana_setup="/opt/scyld/clusterware/bin/influx_grafana_setup --tele-env" if [ -n "${NEW_INSTALL}" -o -n "${RECONF}" -o -n "${UPDATE_CW11_TO_CW12}" ]; then grafana_setup+=" --purge" fi run_with_sudo SPINNER "Configuring Grafana + InfluxDB" "${grafana_setup} > >(tee --append '${LOG_FILE}') 2>&1" # trigger a reconfig of telegraf with any enabled plugins if [ -x "/opt/scyld/clusterware-telegraf/bin/reconfig-telegraf.sh" ]; then run_with_sudo /opt/scyld/clusterware-telegraf/bin/reconfig-telegraf.sh fi if [ -n "${INSTALL_TOOLS}" ]; then if [ -n "${NEW_INSTALL}" ]; then msg_info "Installing and configuring the ClusterWare tools." install_latest_package clusterware-tools || cleanup 8 fi # for debugging tool problems during install if [ -n "${DEVEL}" -a -d "${DEVEL}/clusterware-tools/" ]; then msg_warn "DEVEL: Copying in new clusterware-tools" run_with_sudo "cp -a ${DEVEL}/clusterware-tools/ /opt/scyld" run_with_sudo "restorecon -rF /opt/scyld" fi # assume the user's .scyldcw is set up unless this is a new install if [ -n "${NEW_INSTALL}" ]; then msg_status "Creating the user's settings.ini" rm -f ~/.scyldcw/settings.ini PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 scyld-tool-config --example > >(tee --append "${LOG_FILE}") 2>&1 # ensure there is a ClusterWare admin account for the current # user unless this is a curl install if [ "${SERIAL_NUM_TARGET}" == "=--serial-from-head--" ]; then msg_status "No new user account created when installing via the HTTP endpoint" else ADMIN_LIST=$(scyld-adminctl --json --user "${USER}:" ls -l "${USER}" 2>/dev/null | \ grep -v "00000000000000000000000000000000") if [ -n "${ADMIN_LIST}" ]; then msg_status "A ClusterWare admin account already exists for ${USER}." else msg_status "Creating a ClusterWare admin account for ${USER}." scyld-adminctl --user "${USER}:" create name="${USER}" fi fi msg_status "Removing ${USER} from auth.tmpadmin in base.ini." run_with_sudo "sed --in-place \"s/^auth.tmpadmins.*/#\0/\" /opt/scyld/clusterware/conf/base.ini" fi # try to detect if we are running from a mounted ISO if using_mounted_ISO; then # Assume for now that ClusterWare major number begins with "1". if [ $(rpm -q clusterware) == $(rpm -qp ${DIR}/ScyldPackages/clusterware-1*.rpm) ]; then ver_matched_iso=yes fi fi # if we detect the parent directory is a mounted and version matched ISO, then... if [ "${path}" == "${MOUNT}" -a -n "${ver_matched_iso}" ]; then # optionally copy the device if it cannot already be read if [ ! -r "${DEV}" ]; then path="${TMPDIR}/scyld.iso" sudo cp "${DEV}" "${path}" sudo bash -c "chown \${SUDO_USER} '${path}'" else path="${DEV}" fi repourl=http://localhost/api/v1/isomount/scyldiso # check if the scyldiso already exists and create or update it lsout=$(scyld-clusterctl --json repos -iscyldiso ls 2>/dev/null) if [ "${lsout}" != '["scyldiso"]' ]; then scyld-clusterctl repos create name=scyldiso iso=@"${path}" else scyld-clusterctl repos --ids scyldiso update iso=@"${path}" fi # update the baseurl repo=${DNFDIR_CWREPO} read -r start end junk < <(awk '/\[scyld-/ { print NR }' "${repo}" | tr '\n' ' ') if [ -z "${end}" ]; then end=$(cat "${repo}" | wc --lines) fi baseurl=$(tail -n+${start} "${repo}" | head -n$(( ${end} - ${start} )) | \ awk -F= 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE = 1} /^\s*baseurl\s*=\s*FILE:\/\// { print $2 }') sudo sed --in-place "s|${baseurl}|${repourl}|" "${repo}" # give the repo a chance to come online echo "Waiting for repo URL to come online..." for n in $(seq 10); do code=$(curl --silent --output /dev/null --write-out "%{http_code}" "${repourl}/scyld-install") if [ "${code}" == "200" ]; then echo " ...success" break fi sleep 1 done if [ "${code}" != "200" ]; then echo " ...timeout. Image creation may fail." fi fi # if we're not loading an archive if [ -z "${LOAD_ARCHIVE}" ]; then # only create the first image on new non-join installs if [ -n "${NEW_INSTALL}" -a -z "${JOIN_CLUSTER}" ]; then if [ -n "${OSISO_SKIP}" ]; then msg_status "Skip creating the first default image etc." else msg_status "Creating the first default image etc." if [ -n "${OSISO}" ]; then isoargs="--iso ${OSISO}" fi PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 scyld-add-boot-config --make-defaults ${isoargs} > >(tee --append "${LOG_FILE}") 2>&1 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then msg_error "scyld-add-boot-config failed to create DefaultImage and DefaultBoot" ADD_BOOT_CONFIG_FAILED=yes fi fi fi if [ -z "${LOAD_CONFIG}" ]; then if [ -z "${JOIN_CLUSTER}" -a -n "${NEW_INSTALL}" ]; then msg_status "No cluster configuration file was loaded." # TODO: check the cluster summary and only same something if it's empty msg_status "Be sure to load one using the scyld-cluster-conf tool after installation completes." fi else if [ -n "${LOAD_CONFIG_SKIP}" ]; then msg_status "Skip loading a cluster configuration." else msg_status "Parsing and applying ${LOAD_CONFIG}" PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 scyld-cluster-conf load "${LOAD_CONFIG}" > >(tee --append "${LOG_FILE}") 2>&1 if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then msg_error "Failed to load cluster configuration. Please correct any errors and" msg_error "then manually load the configuration using scyld-cluster-conf load." CLUSTER_CONF_LOAD_FAILED=yes fi fi # TODO: this shouldn't be necessary but is for now? msg_status "Reloading the clusterware service" run_with_sudo "systemctl reload httpd" fi if [ -n "${ADD_BOOT_CONFIG_FAILED}" ]; then cleanup 1 fi fi fi # now that clusterware is installed load any provided object file if [ -n "${LOAD_ARCHIVE}" ]; then msg_info "Loading ClusterWare database from ${TARGET}" run_with_sudo "systemctl stop httpd" run_with_sudo "${MANAGEDB} load ${ARCHIVE_ARGS} '${TARGET}'" run_with_sudo "systemctl start httpd" fi # Has a clusterware update created *.rpmnew or *.rpmsave files? report_cw_rpmnew_rpmsave if [ -z "${CLUSTER_CONF_LOAD_FAILED}" ]; then INSTALL_RETURN=0 else INSTALL_RETURN=1 fi if [ -n "${JOIN_CLUSTER}" ]; then cleanup ${INSTALL_RETURN} "Joining existing cluster complete." else cleanup ${INSTALL_RETURN} "Installation complete." fi PAYLOAD: H4sIAHzgBmcAA+3U/2vaQBQAcH/OX/HA/bjkks5vlCotLnNSGsXGjjKGnMmpoZdcuLuQCvvjd9Fa nJMKQzoG7/ODuehd3r3z5UW8UJrJkkrmSJYL85EKzRzN0pxTzWpn4BqtRmNzNQ6vnlHzGm3Xa7Zc r23meS3PbdXAPUfwU0z6VALUpBD6rXmnfv9P1eE+WvMY+ts6+GbqAB6ndzAxtQDhSxFYdasO4YrB QnAuyiRbQqKAZsCeqZnBYFctIBZAmI7Iukg35aScmEQHJbZ52kOiEg0rrfNLQsqydHKWLYski0Sa F9pEcMyIqCLPhdTELNACYlFmXNAY1qKQEJmnivQj5JLZ8yLhGo4G+iIkUKUS8zdnEbs034y3kaC/ CwU/wbM7nY499oPBdBiY+5fA18d2ZVnfVXVmNuNXD/7kfjgKZsPPvR9WRlPW3T/IvpDMmlPFCsm7 Va7KJHt1Mw2/+kE47N+E1dJwdOsHvesij80BquPnsJcZ8S7I74HJhyoEldGKWCyjc87irmct82W0 YtGTGVZnMdu7N8Mntn7d0JuRJ+M7ezAe2Lf+o73Nem8vVi4TIRO97n6y/nUho79y+M44XESUn7X9 n+r/brvRPOj/zfaFh/3/PWD/f6/+v0g4q9r/xB+PZpPRKOwd69buQbd2d936z+XYmxFCCCGEEEII IYQQQgghhBBCCL36BSRWGVcAKAAA